Mapping API#


Mapping API endpoints will refuse to return data if the node is not in sync with the network. If you still want the result, add ?outdated=1 parameter to the request. Please note the info returned will be outdated and needs to be handled with caution.

Get Mapping Value#

GET /api/v1/mapping/get_value/(program_id)/(mapping_id)/(key)#

Get the mapping value, given the program ID, mapping name and key.

Returns null if the key doesn’t exist in the mapping.


Equivalent snarkOS API: /testnet3/program/{programID}/mapping/{mappingName}/{mappingKey}

Example request:

GET /api/v1/mapping/get_value/credits.aleo/account/aleo1rhgdu77hgyqd3xjj8ucu3jj9r2krwz6mnzyd80gncr5fxcwlh5rsvzp9px HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Example error response:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json

    "error": "Mapping not found"
Status Codes:

List Mappings in Program#

GET /api/v1/mapping/list_program_mappings/(program_name)#

List all mappings in a program.


Equivalent snarkOS API: /testnet3/program/{programName}/mappings

Example request:

GET /api/v1/mapping/list_program_mappings/credits.aleo HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Status Codes:

List All Values in Mapping#

GET /api/v2/mapping/list_program_mapping_values/(program_id)/(mapping_id)#
Query Parameters:
  • count – (optional) number of values to return (default: 50, max: 100), see remarks below

  • cursor – (optional) cursor for pagination

Response JSON Object:
  • cursor (int) – cursor for pagination

  • result (list) – list of key-value pairs

List all values in a mapping.

This endpoint uses cursor-based pagination. The cursor parameter is optional. If not provided, the first page will be returned. To get the next page, pass the cursor value returned in the cursor field of the response to the next request.

Remarks: the count parameter doesn’t guarantee the number of values returned if the mapping is credits.aleo/bonded or credits.aleo/committee, as those mapping values are stored in and directly queried from Redis. Therefore, the response may contain more or less items than the provided count value. Make sure to iterate through the response values to get all data.

Example request:

GET /api/v2/mapping/list_program_mapping_values/credits.aleo/account?count=5 HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "cursor": 9373984,
    "result": [
            "key": "aleo1ldtk5svxnglkcd59j5uf5n4uj6mtaavg03tqtsvvhpd3mr889vyqvh8wnp",
            "value": "50000000u64"
            "key": "aleo1qu6umh5uan0gflqn68vdhg7pstnge08ndza5p6fkqfva4vsjjqrq2avdhg",
            "value": "50000000u64"
            "key": "aleo134d0lzxadftpkscc2slxaff36pwjd2fx46ayfkcn8jng658hvqxscrhgyz",
            "value": "50000000u64"
            "key": "aleo1kex2vdc7565r6c8y4078ytyvcyq9gcl0lflp2kqqz4f2u3su9u9qvyyqhw",
            "value": "50000000u64"
            "key": "aleo1fa7m2dac84nd5r86l9thsfl6sfwtayv32naav38n8yud2exuqc9su3c5py",
            "value": "50000000u64"
Status Codes:

Get Mapping Key Count#

GET /api/v2/mapping/get_key_count/(program_id)/(mapping_id)#

Get the number of keys in a mapping.

Example request:

GET /api/v2/mapping/get_key_count/credits.aleo/account HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Status Codes: