

I can't find my address

This usually means your address hasn't publicly appeared on the blockchain. Addresses would be logged when:

  • A prover submits a valid coinbase puzzle solution with the address
  • An address deploys a program
  • An address receives public credits
  • An address appears in any public or finalize input
  • Other actions that include the address publicly

The explorer could only track what's included in the blocks, so if your address hasn't interacted with the blockchain in the above situations, you won't find it in the explorer.

What exactly is "s/s"?

With the release of Testnet Beta, snarkVM has added a new flexible coinbase puzzle system, which allows easier switches between puzzle contents when necessary. As the underlying algorithm could be different during different time periods, the explorer now uses "s/s" (solutions per second) to represent the computing power of provers and the network.

During testnet3, the prover was grinding KZG10 commitments (you can read more about KZG10 here). In the complete scheme of KZG10 PCS, the prover would generate a commitment, then a proof of the evaluation. However, as the hashed value of the commitment is used to check if a solution is valid, the prover will skip the proof generation if the commitment doesn't satisfy the network requirement, and will continue to try the next nonce value. This is why the explorer (and most provers) was using "c/s" to represent the computing power of the address.

"p/s" was "invented" during testnet2, as at that time the miners were grinding Marlin proofs instead. Those units are also being used by different provers and websites, but they are outdated and could have different meanings depending on the context.

About the new program filtering

Some people are spamming the program list with workshop programs. For some obscure reason unbeknownst to sane people, they are randomly modifying and even combining unrelated programs and spam with it. The filtered list now filters all such programs.

Yes, this now works like a blacklist. No, this will not change in the foreseeable future.